naperville district 203 parent portal washington jh

by Pearline Schamberger 4 min read

How do I log in to Naperville School District 203?

After downloading and launching either the Student or Parent app: Enter part of the District name (Naperville 203), select state IL, click on Search. Select Naperville Community Unit School District 203 to access our district’s system. Enter your username and password to log in.

Who is the principal of Washington Junior High School in Naperville?

Jon Vogel, Principal at Washington Junior High School, recently presented the School Improvement Plan to the Naperville 203 Board of Education. Click to read more. Attention future NNHS Huskies!! Check out the Huskie Howler!

When will Naperville 203 hold spring Parent/Teacher Conferences?

Naperville 203 will soon begin scheduling spring parent/teacher conferences, which will be held virtually, via Zoom, on Monday, March 14, from 5-8:30 p.m., and on Tuesday, March 15, from 8 a.m.-noon. Registration for parent/teacher conferences will open at the following times:

How do parents schedule online conferences with PTC Wizard?

Online conference scheduling is for grades EC-12. Parents will need to use their Campus Parent username and password to sign into PTC Wizard. (NOT their student’s name/password.) It is recommended that parents confirm their ability to log into Campus Parent as soon as possible.

Submit Voluntary Student Vaccination Form

Families of all Naperville 203 students 5 and older can now submit Voluntary Student Vaccination Reporting forms. This option is completely voluntary and is a proactive approach to managing our Covid-19 mitigation strategies.

Join Our Naperville 203 Team

Naperville 203 is currently hiring for a wide variety of positions, including permanent and daily substitutes (recent wage increases!), bus drivers, nurses and health technicians.

From the Kitchen: Mediterranean Grain Bowl

January’s Limited Time Offer features flavors from the Mediterranean. We’re layering a rice, quinoa and lentil blend with seasoned beef Meatballs, and topping it with homemade relish, crumbled feta Cheese and tzatziki sauce. This hearty dish is served with whole-grain flatbread as an accompaniment.

Naperville 203 Asbestos Management Plan Notification

In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the Asbestos Management Plan and Building Inspection Reports for District 203 schools are available for review, by all building users. These reports are filed at the Buildings and Grounds office located at 251 West Hillside Road.

KidsMatter Community Job Fair

KidsMatter, in partnership with the Naperville Park District, will be hosting a Community Job Fair on Saturday, Jan. 8. Participants will have the opportunity to apply for jobs and visit a Career Area to take part in mock interviews, have resumes reviewed, and sign up to visit with experts in various fields.

NWEA Map Growth Assessment

Naperville Community Unit School District 203 administers the NWEA MAP Growth assessment to students in Kindergarten–8th grade in August/September, January, and May. The purpose of this computer adaptive, online assessment is to measure the present level of academic achievement and growth in the areas of reading and mathematics.

Overview of Academically Talented and Gifted Services

Beginning as early as third grade, Naperville CUSD 203 offers academically talented and gifted services. View the district website at to learn more about Honors Math, Project IDEA, and PI+.

WJHS Students and Staff Embody District Mission

Jon Vogel, Principal at Washington Junior High School, recently presented the School Improvement Plan to the Naperville 203 Board of Education. Click to read more.

Attention future NNHS Huskies!! Check out the Huskie Howler!

Each Sunday, NNHS posts an electronic newsletter to keep families informed of upcoming events, news, celebrations, guidance activities, and partner organization events.

Reporting an absence

Parent/guardian must call the school prior to 7:45 a.m. to report absences. In most cases a recording device will be used.

Unreported Absences

If a student is absent and the parent has not called in, school personnel will attempt to contact the parents/guardian at home or at work. If the attempt to contact the parent is unsuccessful, the school will then attempt to contact the emergency numbers that have been designated on the emergency card.

Late Arrivals

Students arriving to school late must report to the office before attending class. If the student has been reported absent in the morning and decides to return to school in the afternoon, they must report to the office upon returning.

Unexcused Absences

Removing students from school for vacations is strongly discouraged. If such a situation is unavoidable, school personnel should be informed as soon as possible. Students will be responsible for all work missed and it may not be practical or feasible for teachers to provide work for students in advance.

Excessive Absences

School personnel track attendance, both absences and tardies. The school will contact parents when the number of absences becomes a concern. If absences continue after contact is made, school personnel may request a parent conference. Excessive absences will be brought to the attention of the county truancy officer.

When to keep a student home

A fever that causes chills, sweating or muscle aches, or a temperature of 100 degrees or over (students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school)

JJHS Spirit Wear

Spirit Wear is available throughout the year from Deb's Embroidery. Shop current styles (and PE uniforms) via their website by visiting the spirit wear page also found under Our School/About Us.

Check Out The Latest Newsletter!

Keep up-to-date with everything going on at Jefferson by reading the bi-weekly newsletter. Look for Ms. Fricke's Talk203s in your email, or bookmark this link.

Health Services Newsletter

January issued just released! Each month our Health Services team will be publishing a newsletter. Click here for easy access to the page where it's posted.

Student Self-Certification

Click the title link to view the letter that went home via Talk203 on August 31, 2020 regarding student self-certification. Included is a link to the required form.