discovery k12 parent portal

by Rylee Fritsch 8 min read

What does discovery K12 teach?

Reading classic literature, writing essays, creating presentations, and conducting research are important aspects to the program. Discovery K12 is a flexible program that allows parents to use all or parts of the curriculum with full control over the instruction.

What is the K12 enrollment center?

Your central hub for all K12 re-registrations and enrollments. If you're new to the Enrollment center, also referred to as the "Parent Portal", please get started by creating an account. If you have created an account, please enter your username and password to login.

How do I enroll my child in K12?

Once you have created this account, you will enter the password-protected K12 Parent Portal. In the Parent Portal, you will be: You must be the legal guardian of the student/s you plan to enroll in order to complete the process.

What is included in K12 K12?

Discovery K12 has 7 main courses: Reading/Literature, Language Arts, Math, History/Social Studies, Science, Visual/Performing Arts, and Physical Education. Extra Curriculum includes Spanish 1, HTML Coding, Healthy Living, Personal Finance, Business 101, and Business Apps.


How do you check your grades on Discovery K12?

Once you have your data together, it takes just a few minutes to produce the actual transcript. Inside the Parent/Teacher Account, click the “Transcripts” link for the student's name that you will create the transcript for. On the transcript app, select “End-of-Year” and the grade level of your student.

How do I contact Discovery K12? Please use our website to answer any additional questions you may have.

Is Discovery K12 real?

Discovery K12 is non-Common Core. Is it accredited? We are a platform and curriculum for independent homeschoolers, and homeschooling is not accredited. Only schools are accredited.

How do I cancel my discovery K12 account?

Account Closure To close a Student or Parent/Teacher Account, simply email us from the email that goes with your accounts at: and request your accounts to be closed.

How many hours a day is discovery K12?

If you are using the curriculum full-time, it should take students about 5.5 hours per day in grades 2nd through 12th; about 3 hours per day for kindergarten and first grade, and about 2 hours per day for pre-k. A breakdown of recommended time for each course is below in the Course Section of this guide.

Is Discovery K12 a good program?

Summary. Discovery K12 combines some really great ideas with others that miss the mark, and it is likely to work best for students past second or third grade. The program is well designed with a dashboard that is easy for students to use.

Can you graduate from Discovery K12?

A certificate of completion can be created for pre-k to 11th grade students in the PTA. There are also certificates of completion for specific courses in our extra curriculum such as, HTML and Personal Finance. For twelfth grade graduates, parents may generate a high school diploma inside the PTA.

Is Discovery K12 secular?

Discovery K12 offers an online, secular, homeschool curriculum. Reading classic literature, writing essays, creating presentations, and conducting research are important aspects to the program.

Which homeschool curriculum is best?

The 7 Best Online Homeschool Programs of 2022Best Overall: Budget: for Structure: Time4Learning.Best for Community: Connections Academy.Best Free: Khan Academy.Best for College Prep: edX.Best for Math and Science: CK-12 Foundation.

Is homeschooling free in Texas?

The curriculum is free for pre-k to twelfth grade, and includes all major subjects. You may use our curriculum any way you like: part time, full time and supplement to it.

What homeschool programs are accredited?

List of Accredited Homeschool ProgramsBridgeway Academy.Abeka Homeschool.Forest Trail Academy.Laurel Springs.

How do I homeschool my child in Texas?

The only requirements to legally homeschool in Texas are that:The instruction must be bona fide (i.e. not a sham);The curriculum must be in visual form (e.g. books, workbooks, video monitor);The curriculum must include the basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics and good citizenship.