clarenceville mistar parent portal

by Greg Cormier 9 min read

What is attached to parent resource page?

Attached is our parent resource page filled with rich resources on literacy, technology, RULER and Social Emotional Learning and so much more. This site is for our parents, so enjoy all that the site has for you to support you, the parents.

Where is the pre-enrollment button for Grandview?

If you are new to Grandview, you need to click on the pre-enrollment button (has a pencil) located on the Clarenceville home page. NOTE: Trying to enroll on a phone can run into obstacles. Please try and enroll on a computer.


As soon as possible, we would like all of our students to have a Chromebook or laptop that they can bring to school.

Early Release Wednesdays

This year, to provide our teachers with time for their own professional growth, every Wednesday ends at 1:30 pm.

Black History Month Door Competition

Our Hybrid/Remote students decorated the doors to their first hour classes to highlight what they had been learning for Black History Month.

Support Resources

Online Help: Available by clicking on the Help link within the ParentConnection application (once logged in)

Parent Login Information

Parents can retrieve their MISTAR ParentConnection login information by clicking the reminder link (Reset Your Password) at the ParentConnection login site and entering the email address that we have on file for you.

Email Notification for ParentConnection

Sign up for email notifications of student school news, attendance, assignments and report cards 1) Log into ParentConnection and click on the Email Notification tab in the Welcome bar 2) Select which email notifications you would like to receive and click Submit.
