atwater parent portal

by Mrs. Marie Bahringer V 4 min read

Cindy Thro, Principal

Welcome to Atwater Elementary School. I am glad that you chose to visit our website, and I am excited to tell you about our amazing school. My name is Cindy Thro and I am the proud new Principal of Atwater Elementary. Our approximately 700 students work every day to live out the tenets of our five overarching ideals. We expect each All-Star to be:

Atwater Flyers

We care about your data and use cookies only to optimize your experience. To learn more, please see our Privacy Policy.

We are Atwater!

WE ARE proud of our staff, WE ARE proud to be in this community, & WE ARE proud of our students! WE ARE AHS!

Rotary Area Speech Contest

Congratulations to these two Falcons! In the Rotary Area Speech Contest, Ella Boyenga finishes in 2nd place & Maicy Lee Jones finishes in 3rd place. Well done, ladies!

Stay Updated with the Daily Bulletin

Keep updated with school activities, athletics, clubs, Talon Academy (ASSETS), and special announcements.

Merced Union High School District COVID-19 Dashboard

To ensure transparent and accurate information regarding COVID-19 cases within our school district, we are providing a Merced Union High School District COVID-19 Dashboard.

Free Rapid Antigen and PCR Testing

In our continuing efforts to keep students safe and in school, MUHSD has partnered with the California Department of Public Health to offer rapid antigen and PCR testing for students. Visit the webpage below for more information:

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

We’re spreading the word about Federal Communications Commission's Emergency Broadband Benefit, which provides discounts for broadband service and devices to families struggling to stay connected during the pandemic. Learn more about the program here:

MUHSD Nutrition Services

Lunch and breakfast are available every day at all of our schools at no cost. This school year FREE meals are available for ALL students through the Community Eligibility Provision program. For more information, visit the MUHSD Nutrition Services webpage.
