shb parent portal

by Grace Champlin 3 min read

What are the technical requirements to access the parent portal?

To effectively access your Shenendehowa Campus Parent Portal account you will need: Internet Access – A minimum dial-up modem speed of 56Kbs – a slower connection will work but not as well. Computer – With a processor speed of 500Mhz or better (MAC or PC).

How do I apply for Parent Portal assistance for my child?

Complete el formulario de acuerdo de usuario del portal para padres adjunto y devuélvalo a la oficina principal de la escuela de su hijo/a o envíe por correo electrónico el formulario completo a: For parent portal assistance send an email to

What is the Social Security Number (SSN) required for SHBP coverage?

SHBP requires a valid SSN for everyone enrolled in SHBP coverage. However, SSNs are not the only Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) accepted by SHBP. For more information, please see the “Invalid/No Social Security Number (SSN) FAQs”.


Parent Accounts

To apply for an account, bring the completed application with a photocopy of driver’s license to the District Office at 5 Chelsea Place or your child’s school during the above listed times or during normal business hours, Monday through Friday (7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. during the school year or 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the summer).

Student Accounts

High school and middle school students are given access from their school. Once your account has been established, please visit the computer lab aide in your school should you encounter any problems accessing your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

To effectively access your Shenendehowa Campus Parent Portal account you will need:

Can parents monitor their child's grades?

Parents K-12 will be able to monitor their child's attendance and view report cards. Middle and High School Parents are able to frequently monitor their child's progress and teachers can use their gradebook to give parents and students information on academic progress and attendance.

Is Genesis Parent Portal secure?

Please use the following information to help you get started with, and continue using, the Genesis Parent Portal. It is a secure system so please keep all of the information confidential.
