powerschool parent portal letter

by Adelbert Price 4 min read

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

We are proud to announce the opening of the PowerSchool Parent Portal. This web portal will enable parents and students to access grades, attendance, teacher comments, and teacher e-mail addresses in real time through the Internet via a secure, district-hosted website.

How do I create a PowerSchool Parent account?

Login to your portal account or if you do not already have a PowerSchool Parent Account, click the "Create Account" button at the bottom of the page. Complete the fields on the top half of the page.

How do I get my Child’s information through the portal?

In order to gain access, a parent or legal guardian of each student will be required to come to the school (s) with a driver’s license or other state approved picture ID card to pick up their user name and password credentials which will enable them to access their child’s information through the portal.


Is PowerSchool and parent portal the same?

PowerSchool offers a Parent Single Sign-On to the Parent Portal where parents can have access to all of their children's information in one place in one account.

How do I get my student email list from PowerSchool?

First, login to your Powerschool administrator account. Within your account, select "View Field List" on the main landing page. In the filter text box at the top, type in the phrase "email." Within the page, you should be able to search for the field name that houses the student emails.

How do I find my PowerSchool password?

For individual accounts, simply click Forgot Your Password? on the login page. This will send a password reset to the email address associated with your account from the address noreply@mylearning.powerschool.com. Keep an eye out for that email containing additional instructions!

How do I change my parent email on PowerSchool?

A: You can change your primary email address, even if your email was imported by your school, by going to your Avatar/User Picture in the right hand corner of the screen and selecting My Information. From there, find the primary email field and click the Edit Email button to the right of the email listed.

How do I export parent email from PowerSchool admin?

DetailsLogin to the PowerSchool /admin portal.From the Start Page, select the desired students.Select Quick Export from Functions, or Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Quick Export.Enter the fields you'd like to export, and how you'd like the records to be delimited.More items...•

How do I see sent emails on PowerSchool?

To see email history Click "Sent Email(s)" at the bottom of the list instead and there should be a list that pops up.

How do I reset my parent portal password?

If you forget or misplace your password, navigate to the Parent Portal login page and click the “Forgot Password?” option. You will be prompted to enter the user ID or email associated with the account. Once submitted, you will receive an email containing a link to reset your password.

How do I reset my PowerSchool parent password?

Resetting Parent Password in PowerSchoolSearch or browse for the parent.Open the parent account. There is only one parent screen, the Edit Parent screen.Type in a new password in the New Password field.Type in the same new password in the Confirm New Password field.Click the Submit button.

How do you reset parent portal on PowerSchool?

How do I assign (or reset) parent IDs and Passwords for parent...Log onto PowerSchool.Navigate to Special Functions on the left hand column. ... Select Assign IDs & Passwords at the top of the page.Choose ID and Password formatting. ... Step 5: Confirm/Spot-check that your passwords and IDs meet expectation.

How do I change my portal email?

To update Personal Information, go to 'My Account' after logging in to the Portal account. Select the 'Personal Information' option. Change Personal Information; make sure all required fields are completed.

How do I update my contact information on PowerSchool?

After you have logged in to the Parent Portal, click on the name of the child at the top for whom you would like to view the contact information. Click on the Forms link on the left navigation. Click on the form “CCSD Update 3 - Parent Emergency Contact and Address Information” from the list of forms.

How do you change your PowerSchool username?

Please follow the steps below to change your username in the PowerSchool Community. To change your username -> click on avatar on top right corner -> my settings -> Personal -> Username -> click on change Username. Once this is completed, Your username will be changed to a new one.

Create Parent Account

To create a new parent account, you will need the Access ID and password for each student you want to associate with your parent account. If you do not have this information or have questions, contact your school.

Recover Your Username

Use this procedure to recover your current username. Once you provide your email address, your current user name will be sent to your email.

Recover Your Password

Use this procedure to recover your current username. Once you provide your email address, you will need to check your email to recover your password.
