parent portal deer park ny

by Dr. Krystina Rice 6 min read

How is the Deer Park School District using the Infinite Campus?

The Deer Park School District is using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to provide parent/guardians with easy, secure, and real time access to student attendance history, grades, assessment scores, transportation, and student schedules.

How do I Activate my Deer Creek Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Techie Teachers! Please use the link in the email sent out from the distruct titled, Deer Creek Infinite Campus Parent Portal User Account Activation, to activate and set up your Parent Portal (Campus Portal) for your student. Each parent should receive an individual activation to their student's information.

How do I activate the parent portal (campus portal)?

Please use the link in the email sent out from the distruct titled, Deer Creek Infinite Campus Parent Portal User Account Activation, to activate and set up your Parent Portal (Campus Portal) for your student. Each parent should receive an individual activation to their student's information.

How do I Reset my Deer Park schools parent portal password?

RETURNING USERS-CLICK HERE to access the Deer Park Schools Parent Portal login page. Forgot password?” to receive an email with a reset link. If you can no longer access that email account, or did not receive an email, email parentportal@deerparkschools. org using the e-mail address used to initially register for the account.



The Deer Park School District is a diverse and welcoming learning community that is committed to equity and excellence. We pledge to support our students in achieving academic and personal success while providing a safe and secure learning environment in every building, every classroom and for every child.


Our goal is to create an inclusive learning environment while engaging students in a rigorous curriculum that prepares all students to become productive citizens in a global community.

Core Beliefs

1. The belief that a great education is not only a fundamental right, but is vital in order for our students to achieve future success.
