parent portal dearborn

by Emily Stokes 3 min read

How to enroll in Dearborn Public Schools?

The Dearborn Public Schools considers maintaining a safe, secure, and orderly learning environment one of … All Dearborn Public Schools enrollments can be started online through our pre-enrollment form. Many kindergarten …

What kind of schools are in Dearborn PA?

Dearborn Public Schools Newcomer College Prep Academy (NCPA) is an alternative high school designed to … Dearborn Public Schools includes 21 buildings with elementary students and one dedicated early childhood center … STEM Middle School (A National Blue Ribbon School) is a 6th – 8th grade option …

What does the graphics lab do for Dearborn Public Schools?

The Graphics Lab provides graphic services for the instructional programs in Dearborn Public Schools. The … The following links provide helpful information regarding head lice: Head Lice: Parent Awareness and Prevention …


Parent Involvement

Parents can play many roles in sport: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents at socializing sports.


Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Dearborn Hockey Association experience during each sporting season.


Keep connected to your team (s). Get schedules and team updates for every athlete in the house, plus a way to message other members on your team and a way to give coaches a heads up about practice. Enjoy unlimited access to scores & stats, photo/video sharing, and more.


In many instances, more than one parent or guardian needs to be in the loop with a child's sports life. Using the mobile app, you can add additional guardians to an account. Guardians can 1) View games and events 2) RSVP to games and events 3) Send and receive messages to coaches and team members 4) participate in team chat

What is the language support number for Dearborn Public Schools?

Our English Learners department can help your child thrive in our schools. Contact us at 313-827-8054 or visit the English learners page to learn more.

When will Dearborn return to face to face?

Dearborn plans to return to face-to-face learning on Aug. 30, 2021. We will share details here as they are available.

Who are the stakeholders in the school district?

Stakeholders from all school buildings, including parents, staff members, teachers, principals, board members, and central office administrators donated their time to meet and develop the strategic plan.

How do we serve students?

We serve students by being good stewards of the public resources and making all decisions in an honest, ethical, and transparent manner.

Is Sunman Dearborn Community Schools a top rated school?

On the most recent state report card, Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools received an "A" rating.

Does Sunman Dearborn accept non-residents?

Per Board Policy 6150, Sunman-Dearborn will accept non-resident students. All non-resident students must apply for admission. All applications must be received by May 15. Admission is for one year, and students must re-apply each year. If applications for admission exceed the number allowable due to class size, students will be chosen through a lottery system. All applications received after May 15 will be considered on a first come, first served basis as space permits.

Wednesday, February 23rd Virtual Half-Day

Dear D7 Families, I hope this communication finds you well. Students will have a virtual half day on Wednesday, February 23rd. This means that students will work virtually from home until their normal half day dismissal time.

February 16th Board Meeting

The February 16th Regular Board Meeting will be held in person in the Polk Elementary Media Center at 7:00 pm. Click the link below to watch this meeting from home on the district Youtube Channel:

Wednesday, February 23rd Virtual Half-Day

Dear D7 Families, I hope this communication finds you well. Students will have a virtual half day on Wednesday, February 23rd. This means that students will work virtually from home until their normal half day dismissal time.

February 16th Board Meeting

The February 16th Regular Board Meeting will be held in person in the Polk Elementary Media Center at 7:00 pm. Click the link below to watch this meeting from home on the district Youtube Channel:
