ncdpi ec parent portal

by Hector Becker 6 min read

How does the Exceptional Children Division work with parents?

The Exceptional Children Division works diligently to collaborate with parents, provide information to parents, provide information on parent involvement to LEAs, and support parent involvement in their children’s education. The information within the parent resources pages are available to assist you in supporting your child.

What are the new economic and personal finance standards in NC?

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education approved the new extended content standards for Economic and Personal Finance for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The Extended Standards for Economic and Personal Finance in Social Studies are effective for the 2021-2022 school year.

What is a local special education Parent Advisory Council?

A local Special Education Parent Advisory Council is a district-level, parent-driven group that provides input to the local school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services. There are any names for this group throughout the state, but the purpose is the same; advise, advocate, and offer guidance to the district.


What is a special education parent advisory council?

A local Special Education Parent Advisory Council is a district-level, parent-driven group that provides input to the local school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services.

What is the Council on Educational Services for Exceptional Children?

The Council on Educational Services for Exceptional Children (Council) is established as an Advisory Council to the State Board of Education. Its establishment is set forth in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) federal regulations in §§ 300.167-300.169 and the North Carolina General Statutes in §115C-121.

What is the Council of Education?

The Council advises the State Board of Education with respect to the unmet needs of children with special needs and in the development and implementation of policies related to the coordination of services for students with disabilities.

What is exceptional children division?

The Exceptional Children Division's consultants for dispute resolution and consultants for instructional support and related services are also able to offer consultation to assist parents, advocates, or school system, charter school, or state operated programs personnel who request help with problem-solving.

What are the benefits of parent involvement in education?

The research is clear on parent involvement: when parents are involved in their children’s education, students have higher grades/test scores/graduation rates, better school attendance, increased motivation, better self-esteem, lower rates of suspension, decreased use of drugs/alcohol, and fewer instances of violent behavior.

What are the procedural safeguards for parents?

It is important that you understand the Procedural Safeguards (legal rights) provided for you and your child with a disability. In this document, you will find a new section in more user-friendly language that summarizes the rights and responsibilities of parents in the special education process. Acronyms and terms often used in special education and resources for parents are found in the appendices.

How long does the CSP last in NC?

However, this option ends in 90 days.

Where is assessment data placed?

All assessment data is placed into the assessment summary tab. Then it is available to be used in the other processes. So, previous formal assessments can be pulled into the referral or reevaluation report and evaluations requested and consented to by the parent can be included in the eligibility determination.

Why do you need signatures for DPI?

Currently, the DPI requires signatures for the consent to evaluate and the consent to provide services. Individual districts may have other documents for which they require signatures as a local agency may be more defined than the state agency.

What is included in a social history for preschool?

For preschool children, a social history must include an assessment of family composition, support systems, stressors, and environment as they correlate with the child's need or special services. ". On the Eligibility Determination, the first section has four new boxes that basically confirmed what the report does.

What is the duration of an IEP?

Typically, the duration of services will be the start and end date of the IEP. However, there are times when a student is transitioning (from one grade to another, from one type of service to another, etc.) and this allows the user to show exactly when the student is receiving a given service.

Can an OT be on an IEP team?

There may be people on the student's IEP team who are not present at a given meeting. For example, the OT may be a member of the team, but unable to participate in the meeting due to scheduling conflict. In this situation, the OT would not be selected on the forms used in that meeting.

Can IEP be finalized?

The IEP cannot be finalized if the hearing loss question is "Yes" and the Communication Plan is not completed. The document is created with the IEP and prints behind it in the PDF. Under Meeting purpose and reevaluation -- programming change only.

Important Dates Calendar

Training videos and resources for Active Child Count, Exit Count, Indicator 7 and Indicator 11 are accessible from the ECATS Main Menu: Resources Section

Federal Personnel Survey

The Federal Personnel data collection for the 2021-22 school year will be submitted via a revised survey that combines the Related Service Workforce survey with the federally required personnel data. The link to access the survey is listed here: (link is external)

Indicator 12 - Part C to Part B Timely Referral

Indicator 12 will be submitted on spreadsheets by all PSUs. Charter Schools do not need to submit an indicator 12 spreadsheet this year. The Indicator 12 spreadsheet has a tab with helpful clarifications to assist PSUs in entering their data and can be found below.

Indicator 14 - Post School Outcomes

Note: This plan is for use for districts and charters beginning in the spring of 2022. Districts on the list for 2020-21 will use the 2021 Exit data and begin calls in May of 2022.
