nasis parent portal

by Lenore Cormier 9 min read

Who is allowed to access the parent portal?

Only parent/guardians of students enrolled in the school will be allowed access to the Parent Portal due to the abuse of the portal, court orders or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of federally protected information and or data.

How do I report a security problem with the parent portal?

Users who identify security problems with the Parent Portal must notify William Pacheco, the Infinite Campus/NASIS systems administrator at SFIS, at 505-989-6308 or Users will not share their password with anyone, including their own children.

What can the Parent Portal do for You?

The school can post announcements, important notices, meetings and other messages allowing parents to stay informed. Because the parent portal is web based, parents can login to the Portal from any convenient location with an internet connection.

Can a user set their own computer to automatically log-in to Parent Portal?

Users will not set their own computer to automatically log-in to the Parent Portal. Users identified as a security risk to the Parent Portal or Santa Fe Indian School’s network will be denied access to the Parent Portal. Three unsuccessful login attempts will disable the user’s Portal account.


What are the guidelines for parent portal?

Users of the Parent Portal are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Users will act in a responsible, legal, and ethical manner. Users will not attempt to harm or destroy data on the school network. Users will not attempt to access data or any other account owned by another user.

Why is Santa Fe Indian School opening a parent portal?

Santa Fe Indian School has opened the Parent Portal to enhance communication between the school and parents/guardians. Enhancing communication among all stakeholders is one of our goals. Users of the Parent Portal will have access to the following:

How long does it take to reset Santa Fe Indian School password?

(Resetting the password may take 2-3 days.)

How often are assignments posted on infinite campus?

Progress Reporting – Progress report grades will be posted three times during the semester (approximately every 4.5 weeks).

Can you use Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users will not attempt to access data or any other account owned by another user. Users will not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity , or including violation of data privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and or criminal prosecution.

Is Santa Fe Indian School liable for computer issues?

There are times when there will be a need to shut down the Parent Portal for maintenance purposes. Santa Fe Indian School is not liable for any issues related to your personal computer and reserves the right to refuse technical assistance directly related to your personal computer.

Can a parent access the parent portal?

Only parent/guardians of students enrolled in the school will be allowed access to the Parent Portal due to the abuse of the portal, court orders or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of federally protected information and or data.

TCBS Parent Resources

The following links are listed as a courtesy to our teachers and staff. With the exeption of the TCBS Webmail link, TCBS does not control the information contained in the linked websites and accepts no liability for any information contained with external websites.

NASIS Parent Portal

Through the Parent Portal, parents and guardians have instant access to important information such as district and building announcements, assignment grades, student schedules, attendance information, progress reports, report cards, transcripts, assessment scores, course requests, immunization details, discipline incident information, bus assignments, or fees.
