nashoba tech parent portal

by Keven Zulauf 8 min read

What is parent involvement in Nashoba Brooks?

Parents help build community spirit, support our teachers, and connect with one another, students, and employees while working to make a difference for our School. A few times each year, parents participate in Parent Volunteer Mornings during which they tackle useful projects identified by classroom teachers.

Why do I volunteer at Nashoba Brooks?

I volunteer at Nashoba Brooks because the parents, students, and community are inspiring and a joy to work with and because they are so important to the happiness and development of my daughter. - A Parent

What is Nashoba Regional School District?

The Nashoba Regional School District recognizes the value and importance of network information sources and related technologies for a well-rounded education. The District supports access for students and staff within appropriate bounds.

What is PowerSchool application?

PowerSchool is a web-based application used for state reporting, grade posting, report cards, attendance, student emergency contact information and other activities. We offer a feature of PowerSchool called Parent Access to the parents/guardians of our students. In grades 6-12, Parent Access includes access to grades, attendance, teacher comments, ...


In order to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CI PA), this document will serve as Nashoba Regional School District's Internet Safety Policy.

Should students inform staff members of inappropriate messages received?

Students should promptly inform a staff member if any messages received or material reviewed is inappropriate. All personal or school-owned technology and electronic devices shall be monitored. All technology and electronic devices should be used primarily for academic purposes during official school hours.
