madeley academy parent portal

by Ronaldo O'Keefe 7 min read

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What is home school agreement?

The home-school agreement will outline the commitment of the Academy to its provision of education for the students and the expectations of support from parents/guardians. This will include an acceptance of the Code of Conduct expected from all students.

What is parent information?

Parent Information. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to be fully involved in their child's education. There will be a report each term and parents will be able to comment on their child's progress on each report. Time is set aside during the year for parents to meet with teachers to discuss progress and agree targets.

Does the Academy contact parents?

The Academy will contact parents/guardians as soon as possible if a difficulty arises. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the Academy immediately if they have any concerns on any aspect of their child's education. Parents/guardians will receive regular mail drops and a newsletter.
