liverpool central school parent portal

by Maye Kessler 3 min read

What does Liverpool Central School District do?

About Liverpool Central District Liverpool Central School District will establish and support opportunities for all students to be effective communicators, innovative thinkers, problem solvers, and life-long learners who thereby contribute to an ever-changing world. Copyright © 2021, Liverpool Central School District About Schools Departments

What is Parent Portal SchoolTool?

Parent Portal SchoolTool is the Liverpool Central School District’s online student-parent portal for personalized information. It is a password-protected, secure website that offers parents and students online access to information about a student’s academic program and progress.

What is the address for Liverpool High School?

Liverpool High School 4338 Wetzel Road Liverpool, NY 13090 315-453-1500 This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. About Liverpool Central District

How do I Register my child in Liverpool?

Once you register online, you MUST call or e-mail the Registration Office for an appointment IF YOU NEED TO DROP OFF the necessary required documents and confirm that registration is complete. The forms can be uploaded using the district's Document Attachment Form. Listed below are required documents needed to register children in Liverpool.


Where is the Liverpool registration office?

The Liverpool Registration Office is located at 195 Blackberry Road in Liverpool.

Can a parent register a child in McKinney?

For your convenience, you can begin your registration online (ONLY THE LEGAL PARENTS/GUARDIANS CAN REGISTER THEIR CHILD unless the child falls under McKinney Vento) :

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