las vegas safekey parent portal

by Prof. Mackenzie Larkin V 9 min read

Does Las Vegas have a SafeKey program?

The city of Las Vegas has been providing Safekey for more than 30 years and we remain committed to ensuring our youth enrichment programs align with and support the Clark County School District. Before- and after-school programs are a vital part of our “Strong Schools” initiative.

How do I Register my child for Las Vegas SafeKey?

New customers must go to and select “New Registration Portal” to create an account and pay the annual $20 registration fee. A child is not fully registered to attend until they are prepaid for their daily visit. 2. How can I pay for daily visits?

How do I register for SafeKey 2021?

Ask us! School started Aug. 9, 2021, and the city of Las Vegas invites your children to enjoy another year of fun and engaging programming. Safekey registration is open now online. New families may create an account and register by accessing the new registration portal below.

Who manages the SafeKey program?

The Department of Youth Development & Social Innovation manages the program. Program hours vary by site. The Safekey Administrative Office has moved to city of Las Vegas City Hall located at 495 S. Main St., 5th floor.


How much is Safekey/Ignite?

NOTE: Families must have a Safekey/Ignite account with updated contact information and the Safekey/Ignite $20 annual fee (per account, per child) must be paid prior to participation. Registration fees cannot be paid using financial aid or subsidy funds.

Does Safekey operate in the afternoon?

Safekey/Ignite does not operate in the afternoon on half-days. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. The city of Las Vegas Safekey/Ignite programs are out-of-school time enrichment programs designed for children grades K-5 (Safekey) and grades 6-8 (Ignite).
