ic parent portal ccsd

by Issac Hessel 10 min read

How do I re-register my child to CCSD?

Parents who have children currently enrolled in a CCSD school use their Campus Parent account to re-register their children or add a student. Parents who have children new to CCSD or are returning after having left CCSD can use the link below to register.

How do I setup an account on the parent portal?

If you are new to the Parent Portal and have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click the help icon or click here to setup an account. If you are new to the Parent Portal and do not have an Activation Key, click here for instructions.

How do I get technical assistance with my Child's School portal?

For technical assistance, contact the Campus Liaison at your child's school during school hours. You may also email 0068-SDM-portalsupport@nv.ccsd.net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours of 6:00 AM-5:00 PM PST.


Welcome to Campus Parent for School District 15

If you are an existing D15 family, please enter your Parent Username and Password to log in to your Campus Parent account.

Bienvenidos al "Campus Parent" para el Distrito Escolar 15

Si usted es una familia D15 existente, ingrese su Nombre de Usuario y Contraseña de los padres para iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Padres del Campus.
