hac parent portal

by Isaac Lubowitz 7 min read

What is the Home Access Center (HAC) Parent Portal?

REMEMBER - Parents must have a valid email address on file for each child in order to use the Home Access Center (HAC) Parent Portal. When HAC is open, the HAC Parent Portal allows parents to view the child's classes, assignments, attendance, and all grade reporting information (prior & current).

How do I access my child's grades when HAC is closed?

If you have questions about grades whily HAC is temporarily closed, please contact the child's teacher directly. When HAC is OPEN, you can click the link below to access the grades, assignments, and attendance information about your student 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How do I Find my Child's HAC number?

If your child is enrolled in PPS, you have a HAC account. Call the Parent Hotline at 412-529-HELP (4357) to answer a few security questions and receive your account information. The Parent Hotline operates from Monday through Friday, 6:30AM - 4:00PM.

What is the Home Access Center for charter high schools?

Granada Hills Charter High School is pleased to offer students, parents and guardians access to student schedules, attendance, assigned class work, grades, and more through a web-based application called the Home Access Center. The system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except during routine maintenance periods.


How to contact PPS about HAC?

If your child is enrolled in PPS, you have a HAC account. Call the Parent Hotline at 412-529-HELP (4357) to answer a few security questions and receive your account information. The Parent Hotline operates from Monday through Friday, 6:30AM - 4:00PM.

How to contact PGH school?

Parents can also reach out to the Parent Hotline by phone 412-529-HELP (4357), email support@pghschools.org or by submitting a Let's Talk ticket.

What is the responsibility of each school?

Each school is responsible for maintaining parent/guardian information. Information currently on record is from enrollment forms, emergency care forms, and change of address communications. Parents/guardians with children attending more than one school will have a single account linked to all of their children.

What is HAC in HISD?

Welcome to the Home Access Center (HAC) for parent/guardian online portal to access grades, attendance, assignments, teacher notes during the school year and to complete the annual HISD Returning Student Online Registration process for RETURNING STUDENTS. Beginning, summer 2020, parents of returning students will also be able to use HAC to enroll any new children to the district as well.

How to contact HISD PEIMs?

If you do not see your other students listed, please contact the HISD PEIMS Department at 936-435-6300 so they can link the students for you. Additionally, if you have a NEW Student you need to add that option is also available to you from within your established HAC account.

How to register for 2020-2021 school year?

1. Click the REGISTRATION icon button in the menu bar. 2. Select the "Update Enrollment" tab next to the Demographic tab. 3. Click the word "START" in the box to take you to the link for the new school year registration form. 4. To begin the 2020-2021 form, parent must confirm your own age by clicking the small box. 5.
