golden valley charter school parent portal

by Hubert Towne 3 min read

What is Golden Valley Charter School?

Welcome to Golden Valley Charter School! GVCS is a public, non classroom-based program, focused on personalized learning for students in grades TK-12. We make personal choice in education a priority in our charter school.

Why choose GVCs charter school?

We make personal choice in education a priority in our charter school. GVCS is a Personalized Learning School, offering an educational model that is tailored to the needs of each individual student.

Why choose Golden Charter Academy?

OUR CULTURE Golden Charter Academy embraces all learners and models of inclusion by mindfully eliminating barriers to learning and creating learning environments that are both accessible and rigorous for all. LEARN MORE STUDENT REGISTRATION

What is GVCs?

GVCS serves students who reside in Ventura, Kern, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara counties. Why GVCS? Parent Satisfaction! GVCS students are required to take all currently state- and school-mandated assessments. For general information regarding current and prospective vendors, please contact us today! What is a charter school?


When is open enrollment for 2022?

Open Enrollment for the 22 - 23 school year begins January 3rd, 2022 and ends February 25th, 2022. We welcome you to attend an Open Enrollment Parent Information Meeting (PIM) before applying. All applications received during the Open Enrollment Period will receive qualifying priorities, Please see Information about Open Enrollment. All Open Enrollment Applications will be included in the Open Enrollment Lottery Pool taking place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022. Information about Open Enrollment .

Do principals offer enrollment?

All enrollment offers are communicated by the enrollment coordinator. School principals do not offer enrollment.

What is a parent roadmap?

The Council of Great City Schools has developed parent roadmaps for understanding the English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics CCSS in kindergarten through grade eight. The roadmaps explain to parents what children will be learning and how parents can support learning outside of the classroom. The Roadmaps are offered in English and Spanish.

What is CCSS handbook?

This handbook, created by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) in consultation with the California State PTA, gives parents an introduction to California's CCSS and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through grade eight.

What is the California PTA?

The California PTA provides a variety of resources to help parents understand the Common Core State Standards. The resources include Frequently Asked Questions about the Common Core, Parents' Guide to Student Success, a list of additional resources, and articles of interest.
