encinitas eusd parent portal

by Dr. Daryl Bergnaum PhD 9 min read

How do I Register my child in Encinitas Union School District?

Welcome to the Encinitas Union School District! Thank you for having an interest in our district and registering your child. All new student registrations will be submitted through the PowerSchool Online Enrollment System. For current families, this is a new system and will look much different than our previous student information system.

Why Encinitas unified school district?

Encinitas has had a long-standing tradition of providing an exemplary educational experience for students. From a strong and committed Board of Trustees, to the unique programming at each school, to the innovation in design thinking and real-world project-based learning, to the emphasis on the whole child, there is much to be proud of in EUSD!

Where can I download the Encinitas Union EUSD app?

Smart phones app stores can download our EUSD App that hosts all things EUSD in one easy location. Just type "Encinitas Union" and choose our logo icon.


New Student Registration

Welcome to the Encinitas Union School District! Thank you for having an interest in our district and registering your child. All new student registrations will be submitted through the PowerSchool Online Enrollment System. For current families, this is a new system and will look much different than our previous student information system.

Inscripción de nuevos estudiantes

Bienvenidos al Distrito Escolar Unido de Encinitas (EUSD). Gracias por su interés en inscribir a su hijo (a) en nuestro distrito. Todas las inscripciones deben ser hechas por medio del internet, a través de PowerSchool Enrollment System.

What is EUSD curriculum?

EUSD is proud to offer a robust curriculum that meets all state standards while providing teachers with adopted and supplemental resources to create student-driven, Project-Based Learning opportunities across content areas.

How often do EUSD students take assessments?

In EUSD all students participate in common assessments three times a year. We use the iReady Math Assessment and the Literably Reading assessment to measure student progress throughout each year. In addition, students in 3rd-6th grade take the CAASPP, as part of the required state testing. More importantly, EUSD teachers use formative assessments within their classrooms to determine student needs and to drive personalized instruction.

What is the Educational Services Department?

The Educational Services Department provides leadership and support in the areas of curriculum and instruction, academic performance, curriculum standards, English Learners, extended day care and after school programs, advanced learners and categorical programs. Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services.
