edgewood tx isd parent portal

by Ms. Arielle Gleason V 9 min read

How to contact Edgewood ISD Police Department?

If you have any questions we can be reached at 444-7500 or you can contact Student Support Services at 444-4982. Comments (-1) EISD Police Department Emergency Number The Edgewood ISD Police Department has provided an emergency land-line number for use when the telephone systems are down...

How do I link my Parent Portal account to an enrolled student?

Once the parent portal account is set up, click the "Link to an enrolled student" option to enter the student (s) portal ID and date of birth. This must be repeated for each student attending Edgewood ISD.

How do I add a parent/guardian to the parent portal?

It is strictly for the Parent Portal account. Parents/Guardians also need a working email address for the parent. If the school does not have this address, please call the campus the child attends and give it to the Secretary/Registrar so they can add it. The parent portal account will not work without that information in the system.

What information is required to set up a Parent Portal account?

The parent portal account will not work without that information in the system. Additional required information for the student is the date of birth. Once the parent portal account is set up, click the "Link to an enrolled student" option to enter the student (s) portal ID and date of birth.


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