blue coat birmingham parent portal

by Charlene Lowe 3 min read

300th Event Update

Our Opening Services and the School Leaders’ Podcast have led us nicely into our special year of celebrations. Behind the scenes we are busy making arrangements for the upcoming 300th events: THE MAIN EVENT – 8th & 10th JULY By popular demand we will be hosting our very own festival-inspired celebration at the end of…

The Launch of our 300th Year

The year 2022 has finally arrived, not only is this an important year because it is HRH The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the year that Birmingham will host the Commonwealth Games, it is also 300 years since the founding of The Blue Coat School! Last term we began our preparations with a whole school Creative…

Recreating The Taj Mahal

As part of their Humanities topic on ‘India’, on Wednesday Year 5 had the wonderful job of recreating the Taj Mahal using only sticks and rubber bands. Recreating the structure of the Taj Mahal gave the children an opportunity to reinforce their understanding of famous Indian landmarks and culture. The children looked at how to build different…

End of Term Celebrations

A short but fun-packed final week of term was enjoyed by all. The week started with a trip to the Forest School to see a very important visitor. The outdoor classroom had been decorated and Father Christmas was in residence! From Nursery right up to Year 6, the magic of Christmas was in abundance and…

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw

In a bustling Christmas market, full of exciting sounds and treats, 5 excited children find a toy seller selling an old, tatty Christmas jigsaw. He asks the children for their promise that they will complete it on Christmas Eve, but they are not sure why…. Christmas Eve arrives and the children take out the jigsaw…

Changing The Mindset Of Leadership

The Blue Coat School is delighted to present a dinner and conference for Heads and Bursars to celebrate 300 years of education at The Blue Coat School. The conference is being supported by the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSBACC). We will be joined by guest speaker Brad Waldron to lead two sessions focused on his concept of…

Kung Hei Fat Choi

After meeting the Chinese Lion who visited Blue Coat School on Tuesday, Early Years really got into the Chinese New Year festivities. Nursery have been busy making cards and Chinese new years hats as well as practising drawing the different Chinese symbols. They also had lots of fun playing a Chinese dragon ordering game on…

What is the Blue Coat Academy?

Blue Coat Church of England Academy is an inclusive Christian learning environment where the uniqueness of each individual is celebrated, nurtured and realised.

What does the Bible say about the Blue Coat Church of England Academy?

Wisdom, Endurance, Service, Kindness and Hope. “Exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government.”. 1 Peter 2:16-17. Blue Coat Church of England Academy is an inclusive Christian learning environment where the uniqueness ...


In consultation with parents, the staff refer to the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator for advice about any child whom they may suspect has a particular difficulty or aptitude.


In Pre-Prep children may be taught in small groups for some of the English and Mathematics lessons so that they can be given more individual attention. In Prep the Academic Development Programme offers all pupils the opportunity to work in small groups to consolidate their learning or have further support where required.


For our pupils identified as gifted or talented in a particular subject we offer many opportunities for curriculum enrichment to broaden their learning and offer greater depth to their knowledge. Some of the opportunities can be through visits, exhibitions, sporting events and musical concerts.
