bath parent portal

by Garland O'Reilly 8 min read

Who must be the parent on a child's birth certificate?

The applicant must be the parent or legal guardian of the child (ren) listed on the form.

Who can use the student information form?

This form is to be used by parents or legal guardians who wish to have access to the child (ren)'s information in the student management system via the Internet through a secure portal.

What is a ramportal in BCSD?

The RamPortal is a component of the SchoolTool student management system.

What is the attached PDF?

The attached PDF provides detailed instructions on access to the RamPortal for students.

Can parents sign up for ramportal?

Please note: Only parents/guardians of students enrolled in the district may apply. Parents/guardians must provide a valid email address and phone number to validate your account. Parents/guardians will only have to sign up once, regardless of how many children they have in the district. If a parent/guardian does not see all of their children from the My Home screen of the RamPortal once they are signed they should email the Bath CSD Help Desk at .
