ash grove parent portal

by Enrico Wolf 7 min read

How do I contact the Ash Grove High School office?

If you have any questions, contact the high school office at 417-751-2330. Ash Grove High School is excited about implementing the state directive on being a Trauma-Informed school.

Is Ash Grove High School a trauma-informed school?

Ash Grove High School is excited about implementing the state directive on being a Trauma-Informed school.

Will Ash Grove R-IV schools offer free breakfast and lunch?

The USDA program that serviced our summer school program has been extended until June 30, 2022. So Ash Grove R-IV schools will be able to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students in our district. This includes students enrolled with us in virtual learning and students who do not attend one of our school buildings.

Who is Ashash Grove?

Ash Grove, a CRH company, is a leader and pioneer in the cement industry. For over 137 years, we have provided portland and masonry cements to construct the highways, bridges, commercial and industrial complexes, homes, and other structures fundamental to the nation’s economic vitality and quality of life.


Parent and Student Portal

Progress 2 grades have been posted and are available on the student information system (SIS). Parents and students may log in and view grades throughout the year, or if you would like a paper copy, you may contact the high school office to get one printed.


When your student is absent from school, please notify the high school office. The phone number to call is 417-751-2330, and the office opens every morning by 7:45am. If your student has had a doctor or dental appointment during school hours, please send a note from that office documenting their visit.


The next ACT test date for this school year is October 23, 2021, and the registration deadline was September 17. The following opportunity to take the ACT will be December 11, and the deadline for that test date is November 5. For more information on the ACT, visit or come by the Counseling Office.


Click here to view the current immunization requirements of the state of Missouri.

When is food pick up at the South entrance of the High School?

Beginning on June 22nd, food pick up will be available every Tuesday from 3 - 5 p.m. at the south entrance of the high school through July 27th. There will be a short break for cleaning and then, beginning on August 23rd, pick up will be available on Mondays from 7 - 9 am.

Does Ash Grove School District have masks?

After having discussions with the Greene County Health Department and receiving guidance from the CDC, The Ash Grove School District will no longer have any type of masking requirements on our school property .

What is a parent teacher conference?

Grounded in the work of Carol Dweck, Ph.D., student-led parent teacher conferences support the development of a growth mindset, or the student’s love of learning and the development of resilience needed for “great accomplishment.” These conversations between students, parents and teachers focus on student strengths, areas of opportunity and goals.

What is the Academy of the Sacred Heart?

The Academy of the Sacred Heart is a Catholic, independent school that offers students the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and happy environment. Our preschool through eighth grade program focuses on building strong academic skills while fostering independent learning and communication.
