9 deer creek parent portal

by Anabelle Cremin 5 min read

How do I Activate my Deer Creek Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Techie Teachers! Please use the link in the email sent out from the distruct titled, Deer Creek Infinite Campus Parent Portal User Account Activation, to activate and set up your Parent Portal (Campus Portal) for your student. Each parent should receive an individual activation to their student's information.

How do I activate the parent portal (campus portal)?

Please use the link in the email sent out from the distruct titled, Deer Creek Infinite Campus Parent Portal User Account Activation, to activate and set up your Parent Portal (Campus Portal) for your student. Each parent should receive an individual activation to their student's information.

When will the Deer Creek Child Nutrition Department process household applications?

As such, Deer Creek Child Nutrition Dept. will process household applications during School Year 2021-2022 to ensure student eligibility for free or reduced-price meals during the first 30 days of the 2022-2023 school year while 2022-2023 applications are being processed.


When are 21-22 registrations due?

ONLINE REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MAY 1, 2021 FOR ALL STUDENTS! Every student must have a 21-22 Online Registration before a 21-22 schedule will be issued. This information is necessary to ensure we have appropriate teacher/student ratios!

Does Deer Creek have a second meal?

Deer Creek will offer additional meals (subject to availability) and snacks beyond the first complimentary meal (per meal period). In order for your child to enjoy access to a second meal or a la carte items, you will need to add a payment method in your online Campus Parent Portal . Please click HERE for details on how to add your payment method and/or set up recurring and low balance-automated processes.
