02b parent portal

by Brendan Miller 5 min read

Nobody Offers More Classes

Our Program Calendar classes are a magical link to the development of self-esteem, social skills, physical fitness, personal discipline and respectful behavior in every child. And they’re FUN!

Neighborhood Time

The greatest teacher of all time is not a person, a classroom or a book. It is the simple act of playing. During play, children learn how to explore, pretend, create, make friends, solve problems, lead, follow, try new things, develop skills and find their passions.

Play Venue Intelligence Grid

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on IQ testing, is far too simplistic to truly capture the rich diversity of human potential. In short, this theory suggests that there are ten intelligences, or SMARTS, that each of us can develop.

Guess What? There R 4 More 4 U 2 DO!

We can’t help ourselves! We have to keep the fun flowing! To add variety to our days and weeks, we sprinkle in the following four activities to keep your kids engaged, happy and excited to come back!

Current Membership Locations

O2B Kids programs vary by location and although we’re growing, we’re not everywhere yet! We currently provide Membership at our Supercenter locations:

Parent Night Out

Led by our O2B Play Leaders, kids will enjoy a fun evening where they get to make choices about where to play! There's awesome activities, group games, free play fun, a themed movie and more! A hot cooked dinner is ALWAYS included!

Monthly Dates & Themes

So load up your kids and their friends and bring the crew to O2B! Every month offers a new themed experience!

Play Village Fun

The first hour of Parent Night Out is Neighborhood Time! A time to give kids a choice of things to do – just as they would experience in a safe neighborhood of yester-year! Whether it’s dressing up in the Costume Corner, racing through the Big Toy, constructing a castle in Building Things, or Scaling a Rock Wall, kids let their imaginations run wild in our Play Village..

How to Register for Parent Night Out

If you are current Member at O2B Kids you can pre-register using the Parent Portal.

The O2B Kids Difference

Want to know a secret? Teaching children their colors, shapes, letters, letter sounds, numbers and how to count – that’s the easy stuff! It takes time and some repetition – but they’ll learn it all. They will even learn to read and write along the way. The real question is… will they learn how to think for themselves?

O2B Preschool Benefits

Education begins at birth! You are your child’s first TEACHER! Make O2B Kids your child’s first SCHOOL!


Digital Communication through Honeycomb with Daily Reports, Special Moments, Pictures & Achievement Badges

Clear Expectations

Kids need to know the rules. They need to know what to expect. Whether a daily schedule is open and free or detailed and planned, great classrooms make their expectations clear to everyone.

Interesting Activities

Kids are in school to learn…and the best way to learn is through play! Every classroom learning center or teacher delivered lesson must be interesting to grab a child’s attention. In preschool, attention spans can be short so a rich variety of activities is essential.

Meaningful Conversations

A teacher’s job is to assess where a child is developmentally – and guide them to the next step in the learning path. Open-ended, meaningful questions help children think about their actions in a meaningful way and help them gain knowledge. The conversations we have with children are as important as the activities they participate in.

Response to Needs

Teachers are responsible for the physical, social and emotional well-being of their kids. Children may need hugs when they’re sad, food for a hungry belly, a suggestion to help solve a problem or assistance in the bathroom. A teacher’s job is to be there and respond when needed.

We're the school your child will love!

O2B Supercenter is our flagship location and is conveniently located in Gainesville, Florida. Even as our first location, this amazing facility is still second to none.

Location Reviews

I feel safe bringing my kids knowing that the staff truly cares about my children and their wellbeing. My kids love their time here and have built trusting relationships with the counselors and staff.

Child-Directed Learning Centers

This is the good stuff! Every classroom has a rich variety of open learnings centers including Art, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Science, Fine Motor, Sand & Water, Literacy and more! Child-directed learning centers allow kids to play, experiment, discover, pretend, develop friendships, make decisions and take charge as they LEARN, LEARN, LEARN how the world works..

Teacher-Directed Lesson Plans

Teacher-directed lessons focus on specific learning goals such as letter recognition or counting, and also help children learn how to listen, follow directions and build relationships with adult role models.

Outdoor Enrichment

Outdoor play allows kids to focus on their gross motor development, participate in team games, and appreciate the wonders of our natural environment.

On-Site Field Trips

At each of our locations, we strive to create a “third-place” for our kids to visit each day. While these visits vary by location, options may include a trip to the Play Village or Gym Room, or perhaps we’d head outside to our Tinkering Lab or Vegetable Garden.

Specialty Classes

Weekly Specialty Classes are a unique treat for kids throughout the week and add enriching variety to the traditional school day. Classes may include creative movement, gymnastics, dance, yoga, music, drama, art, science, technology, sports, languages and chess!

Four Goals of Instruction

Our first task is to help your child formulate language and label her world. Developing a rich vocabulary starts with naming objects (e.g. ball, shoe, dog) and learning to pronounce new words. Over time, we expand language complexity with multi-syllable words & synonyms (e.g. big, huge, giant, gigantic). We never quit learning!

Daily Schedule

A schedule of activities guides each day. Activity periods combine teacher-directed and child-initiated offerings, and include small-group, large-group, outside, eating, resting and special event periods.
